The NHS provides most health care free of charge. However, there are a number of other services for which fees can be charged. These are mainly for services not covered by the NHS, such as medical reports for insurance companies.
Doctors are involved in a whole range of non-medical work, largely on the basis that they occupy a position of trust within the community and are in the position to verify the accuracy of information. If a GP signs a certificate or completes a report, it is a professional duty that he/she checks the accuracy of such information. This may involve examining the patient’s entire medical record.
Examples of non NHS services for which GPs can charge their NHS patients are:
- Letters requested by, or on behalf of, the patient
- Accident/ sickness insurance certificates and reports
- Certain travel vaccinations
- Private medical insurance reports
- Holiday cancellation claim forms
- Referral for private care forms
- Certificates for fitness to start a diet regime or join a gym
- Medicals for HGV/ taxi/ PSV/ elderly drivers
- Diving licence forms
- Private sick / fit notes
Please note; some reports can take up to 3 weeks to complete.
Download the list of our current non-NHS work fees (PDF, 32KB)